Livingston Band Alan Smithee, Debut Single ‘Surplus’

alansmithee-bandA few weeks ago the debut single by Alan Smithee was released. It’s called Surplus. They said in their email they like The Yawns which is a positive start. They could have said they like chocolate rice krispie buns and that would have worked for me too. Hmm, I’ve not had them in ages.

After yesterday’s epic post, today will be far less taxing on my keyboard.

Around seven weeks ago I received a friendly email from DIY Glasgow label Flowers in the Dustbin. It was filed away under ‘maybe’ and today I’ve dug it out. I might have looked at it earlier had the email not ended with the line “BE REASONABLE – DEMAND GENIUS”. It’s hard to imagine the music I’ll hear is in fact genius. In PR terms, you’re a goal down and we’ve not even kicked off yet. My advice would be to put that tagline in the dustbin.

Moving on, using Alan Smithee as a band name is clever on paper until you do some basic research in Google. There’s already an American band using that name and their YouTube result isn’t hard to find. The country-indie MOR awfulness they pedal is not something Livingston’s finest band called Alan Smithee should be allowing themselves to be remotely associated with. So yeah, you might want to think about a new name.

The single? It’s decent. Would prefer to hear more before passing judgement on the band overall. I’d give it a tentative/generous one thumb up, mainly because the vocal is the highlight.




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