Alternative Ulster: Belfast’s Yakuza Release Fucking Awesome Album

yakuza-belfast-2013The only reason why there’s a second Alternative Ulster post this week is because Belfast’s YAKUZA have released a work of art. A WORK OF FUCKING ART.  I even used the ‘Awe’ word in the title which is more overused than guys with guns on the cover of video game boxes.  

Not to be confused with Chicago’s avant-garde metal band, Belfast’s Yakuza are longtime members of the Northern Irish scene. Similarly to Fat Goth, they’re all a bit older and wiser than the latest crop of underground bands. Having dayjobs and being closer to (or older than) thirty than twenty will do that to you.

Originality has always been a core part of Yakuza’s DNA.

It’s not that they sound like NoMeansNo or Yo La Tengo but they share a similar desire to deviate from the predictable indie rock template employed by most other bands. The great thing about not being in fashion is that you can never go out of fashion. Yakuza sound as vital and interesting in 2013 as they did when I first heard them around 2000.


Insane Plight in Plain Sight is the second full length release from the Belfast based Yakuza and with it a bonus e.p. of material recorded live at the BBC entitled “Ride the Bible”.

Their debut album was recorded many moons ago by Jack Endino and if they don’t put it online soon I’ll be forced to dig out my copy and beat you over the head with it.

This is what indie rock would sound like if you removed all notions of careerism. Safe and predictable it is not. I’ve been listening to Big Deal‘s album ‘June Gloom’ of late and while it’s enjoyable, it is created as hipster music polished for radio. Whereas Yakuza sound like they want to smash the radio and have Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory use bits of it to build a rocket and fly to the moon. This is Ramones energy fused with Les Savy Fav’s imagination. It’s giddy from eating all the wine gums and is nipping out to the lobby during the movie for more snacks. It sounds brilliant.

Initially I was thinking if this new record wasn’t decent I’d still write a few words anyway because they’re top guys and all the proceeds go to the Parkinsons research charity

Turn outs this post is writing itself such is my enthusiasm for what I’ve just heard. Franz Ferdinand and The Pixies may have released new material last week but both pale in comparison to track 9, Click. That is possibly my favourite track off the album. Verdict? Three thumbs up. A rare achievement.



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